Palace Pranx:
Year Created: 2015 Genre: Platformer Length: Around 20 minutes Premise: Campbell is an aspiring young hero with dreams of adventure. He finally gets his chance after receiving a letter from the lovely yet mischievous Princess Pranx, who requests his aid after being locked in a tower. Now he must venture through a variety of levels, while being pursued by the ferocious (and rather chubby) red deviloon. It will take all his tenacity and skill to outwit the deviloon and work his way to the castle. But what could be waiting for him there? And is the princess all that she seems? Background: This was a group project, made in collaboration with Yusuf Khan, Liam Cunningham, Ben Even-Kesef, and Antoine Bonner. Thanks for all your help! Project Role: Lead Designer, Programmer, Assistant Artist, Level Designer (for Level 5) Created Using: Game Maker (programming and art) Download Link: ~Windows Version Note: When you try to download and open the game, your computer may suspect it's a virus. This is because the game is too large to scan and comes from and unknown source (a Weebly website.) The game is a simple .exe file exported directly from GameMaker and contains no viruses. If your computer tries to block you from playing it, click More Information and then click Run Anyway. That should allow you to run the game without a problem. |